海运提单(Marine Bill of Lading or Ocean Bill of Lading),或简称为提单(Bill of Lading, B/L),是国际结算中的一种最重要的单据。《汉堡规则》给提单下的定义是:Bill of lading, means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bearer, constitutes such an undertaking.
//www.erikeneddy.com/waimaodanzheng/4221.html,以上就是提单的定义与关系人的解读,只要通过预约方式联系我们的顾问客服根据不同进口产品, 即可获得国际货运方案和进口报关代理报价单,手续费低,省钱,省心。工作人员看到您的信息会第一时间与您联系,文章图文源于网络和投稿、即编辑排版,传递更多知识,如涉及版权,请及时联系我们会尽快处理。如果您还有其他疑问,欢迎致电400-0031-521.